This webpages (for Japanese viewers) contains descriptions and links for documents which I have created in connection with use of the wonderfull Vector Network Analyzer VNWA2, VNWA3 and VNWA3E designed by DG8SAQ Tom Baier and to purchase from Jan Verduyn at SDR-KIT www.sdr-kits.neton the webshop or in Japan from ICAS Enterprises Find a Yahoo Forum solely for VNWA "lover's" at:
At HAMRADIO 2013 in Friedrichhafen DG8SAQ Tom Baier was presenting the VNWA on Saturday June 30 at 10:00 and the presentation i kindly translated into Japanese language by YasAonuma from ICAS Enterprises, the VNWA distributor inJapan. Click on the link below to downlaod it: Later on a video will be published on YuoTube and this supportpage as done last year.
At HAMRADIO 2012 in Friedrichhafen DG8SAQ Tom Baier was presenting the VNWA on Saturday June 23 at 14:00 and I had the pleasure to record the presentation.
I produced a German and a English version as well a Japanese version and published on YouTube. You can also download from my VNWA support page where you are presently. The German Powerpoint presentation created by DG8SAQ is translated to English, Danish and Japanese, also available as pdf files: Furthermore a written Transcript in English of the original presentation is also available as pdf file, for a detailed study of the presentation. This Transcript used for creating the English soundtrack, and may be translated to other languages. Fell free to do so and let me host it here.
Also translated into Japanese Language is my guide for calibration, using the Amphenol Connex Cal standards, available from SDR-Kits and ICAS Enterprises. The document name is Amphenol Connex Cal Standarda rev3-jpn.pdf and represents the lastest changes and improvevements to the calibration settings. From VNWA version 36.2.xm onwards the calibration settings includes a Thru Adapter modeling, removing the delay of the Thru Adaptor during S21/S12 calibration. The Amphenol Connex (SOLT) Calibration kit exist, in both Male and Female versions, and can be purchased from SDR-Kits and ICAS Enterprises at fair prices. In the document you will find all the relevant data for setting up the VNWA software, for a quality calibration, provided the data described is used.
2014 Version of the Rosenberger and Amphenol Connex calibration sheets are available in English. Visit the English page please for further details